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·亿载造就绝景奇观 江西三清山  ·山东诸城惊现世界最大恐龙化石群  ·中国最热的地方——新疆吐鲁番火焰山  ·沪地铁一日四起事故引发上海最大规模交通瘫痪  ·东方雕塑陈列馆——甘肃天水麦积山石窟  ·福建霞浦海滩美景  ·浙江钱塘江风光  ·金山岭长城风光  ·优秀影人:四川摄影家——李宁  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家王彦青  ·西藏著名神山——念青唐古拉山  ·北京现存最古老的石造联拱桥——卢沟桥  ·中国江南完璧——湖北荆州古城  ·魅力城市——湖北武汉  ·优秀影人:江西摄影家——左勇   ·亿载造就绝景奇观 江西三清山  ·山东诸城惊现世界最大恐龙化石群  ·中国最热的地方——新疆吐鲁番火焰山  ·沪地铁一日四起事故引发上海最大规模交通瘫痪  ·东方雕塑陈列馆——甘肃天水麦积山石窟  ·福建霞浦海滩美景  ·浙江钱塘江风光  ·金山岭长城风光  ·优秀影人:四川摄影家——李宁  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家王彦青  ·西藏著名神山——念青唐古拉山  ·北京现存最古老的石造联拱桥——卢沟桥  ·中国江南完璧——湖北荆州古城  ·魅力城市——湖北武汉  ·优秀影人:江西摄影家——左勇  

Catalog CN-269
“Everything has been said – and we are more than seven thousand years of human thought too late.”
_________Jean de La Bruyere (1645-1695)
Shanghai flower show...

Bridge: Shanghai Lupu bridge Pudain Rd area – Huangpu River 
Catalog CN-260
 “The road up – and the road down is one – and the same.”
__________Heraclitus (540-480 BC)


Creek – side     Journal CN-132
Lujiazui-Pudong-shanghai area. Short study – inner city waterways and creeks. – small example shown. Relaxed environment with walk ways along most banks. Pic...

Zhongshan-park        Journal CN-162
Shanghai city park, 1930 old style, large established foreign trees, graceful pond settings large foot paths.   ID:115318-06705 上海...

Umbrella        Catalog CN-160
The subject-exploring shape and color – temporary roof paradox – elements of rain battles. Series of images in field of action – elevated shoot v...

Bronze-stare        Journal CN-159
Bronze touching relics from past world, distinguished by cold stare or the encounter. Charmingly aesthetic presence as subject matter of stabili...

Falconer         Journal CN-149
Woman trainer falconer at lake – Qiandao area in busy tourist area. Not the best background subject matter due to large crowds. Worked fast t...

Lanterns       Journal CN-134 Down-town shanghai mid winter Chinese lamp festival at night. Foreign visitors this is must see destination of scenery in lights – real deal cultural Chinese...

Art bills            Catalog  CN-144
Shanghai Lujiaxui CBD area graphic art on grand scale. Photo collection of sign writers placing large sheets of plast...

Changchun-City      Journal CN-153
North China Changchun famous for car-bus-truck manufacture also machinery on large scale. City is not old - about 100 years.   ID:115318-06789 ...

Wild - flower            Catalog  CN-142
Found in Shanghai Binjiang park. Gives you close look – scenery stylish. Forest of flower's in sea of color of ...

Kids-paint       Journal CN-148
Zoom in for attention grabbing kids, trying out art painting. However mums and dads showed more interest painting than the kids. In shooting kids as sub...

Ferry-rider        Journal CN-157
Shanghai bike ferry.
They are off and running. Cross river from one city side to another. Big business each day. Small example shows such c...

Stoned-guy        Journal CN-158
Shanghai-roadside small park statuette or movers and shakers maybe. Form an essential part also setting. Statues are normally Emperors or Politici...


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